2024 Clubs & Organizations
- Honor Societies
- Arts & Performance
- Culture, Language & Diversity
- Games
- Government
- Fellowship
- Service Organizations & School Pride
- Special Interests
Honor Societies
National Honor Society
National Honor Society membership is open to students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above. Students who meet this criterion will be sent an NHS application in January of the given school year. Students must submit the completed application to Mr. Frantz. An NHS faculty advisory committee selects candidates.
Advisor: Mr. Frantz – jfrantz@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: 2nd Tues., of each month, 7:00am
Quill & Scroll
Quill & Scroll is an international honor society for journalism students. It is open to students in the top third of their class who have shown exceptional work in journalism or school media and are staff members of Lakeview's newspaper, yearbook, broadcast journalism, or online publications. Students are recommended by the media committee.
Mrs. Hassing - dhassing@lakeviewspartans.org
Mrs. Darland - jdarland@lakeviewspartans.org
Arts & Performance
Art Club
Art Club is for anyone who enjoys art and uses art to promote various causes and community projects.
Advisor: Ms. Banfield - sbanfield@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays, until 4:00 pm
Step Team
Students involved in Step are committed to educating the school and community on the art of Stepping or Step Dancing, which is where one uses their body as an instrument to create rhythm and sound with their feet, handclaps, and/or spoken word.
Advisor: Ms. Ballard - aballard@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays at 2:45 pm
The theater department presents fall and spring productions. Announcements will be made for auditions.
Advisor: Mrs. Flora – dflora@lakeviewspartans.org
Culture, Language & Diversity
American Sign Language Club
ASL club allows students to learn American Sign Language and deaf culture and to communicate effectively with members of the deaf community. Join for a chance to make new friends while learning a new language.
Advisor: Ms. Boyer – valoree.terp@gmail.com
Meeting Day: Tuesdays from 2:35-3:35 pm
Black Student Union
Promote, sustain and incorporate an atmosphere that is conducive to the political, cultural, social, academic and educational growth of Black/African students and students of color.
Advisor: Mrs. Jamierson – djamierson@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Thursdays from 2:35 to 3:35 pm
Burmese Club
Burmese Club is for any student interested in the Burmese culture.
Advisor: Ms. Veronica Mawi – vmawi@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays at 2:45 pm
Divine Divas
Come join young women of color with the primary focus on academic excellence and success while creating a better social and emotional awareness of their cultures within the school and their communities. Advisor: Dana Jamierson – djamierson@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Thursdays, twice a month, from 2:35-3:35 pm
Japanese Club
Even if you aren’t formally studying the Japanese language, join to learn about and experience Japanese culture, food, art, music, movies, anime, manga and more.
Advisor: Mrs. Pollard - tpollard@lakeviewspartans.org
Japanese Bowl
This is a state-wide quiz bowl of Japanese language and culture that is held every year for all levels of Japanese. This is only open for students who have studied Japanese language.
Advisor: Mrs. Pollard – tpollard@lakeviewspartans.org
Multicultural Club
Multicultural Club is open to all students interested in sharing their culture with others and learning about the many beautiful cultures here at Lakeview.
Advisor: Kylee Walters-Mikesell – kwalters@lakeviewspartans.org
Queer/Straight Alliance
The Gay/Straight Alliance Club is a great place to be accepted for who you are and to aid in advocacy for students who identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning). Any students are welcome to join and attend anytime.
Advisor: Ms. Jessica Kosticak – jkosticak@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Wednesdays, 2:45
Spanish Club
Spanish Club is open to ALL students who are interested in exploring Spanish language and culture around the world. Activities include culturally themed crafts/activities, food parties, movies, trips to restaurants and other Spanish-themed places, as well as fundraising for trips abroad.
Advisor: Profe Tripicchio – jtripicchio@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays at 2:40 pm
United Latino Student Association
This club provides a safe and welcoming environment for Hispanic students. We will focus on community, adaption issues, translation and career prep.
Advisor: Mr. Campos – scampos@lakeviewspartans.org
Chess Club
The Chess Club will provide a welcoming environment for both beginner and experienced chess players. It will also provide fundamentals for newcomers to chess.
Advisor: Mr. Preston Cox – pcox@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30 pm, Room A218
Dungeons & Dragons
Students will gather to play the timeless role-playing game by the same name. Students create characters and take those characters on adventures in a fantasy world led by the Dungeon Master and in accordance with Official Dungeons & Dragons Rule Books. The only limit is your imagination.
Advisor: Ms. Jessica Kosticak – jkosticak@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays at 2:45 pm
Uno Club
This club will meet two afternoons to play UNO, have fun and relax!
Advisor: Ms. Mitchell – amitchell@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:45 pm
Student Government
All students are eligible to run in spring elections for next school year. Student government is the students’ voice in school policies and activities. Being a member allows one to represent their peers concerns and preferences.
Mr. Zimmerman – jzimmerman@lakeviewspartans.org
Mrs. Sleight – lsleight@lakeviewspartans.org
Youth-In-Government is truly a government in action as members travel to the state capitol to take part in a five-day, hands-on mock government experience.
Mr. Zimmerman – jzimmerman@lakeviewspartans.org
Mrs. Sleight – lsleight@lakeviewspartans.org
CYC (Claim Your Campus)
Claim Your Campus is a club open to any student that would like to pray for change within our school, for students and teachers.
Advisor: Mr. Ken Gordon – kgordon@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Wednesdays at 7:00 am
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes allow athletes to combine student’s passion for sports with their passion for Christ and to teach that the two worlds don’t have to be separate.
Advisor: Mr. Brian Ratliff - Ratdad1957@gmail.com
Meeting Day: Monday at 2:05 pm
Earth Club
Earth Club empowers all students to take thoughtful and positive action towards resolving environmental challenges.
Advisor: Mrs. Markou – kmarkou@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Fridays at 2:35 pm
Mathematics Club
Mathematics Club will meet to learn appreciation and application of math skills in real life.
Advisor: Mrs. McGlynn – kmcglynn@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Thursdays from 3:00-3:30 pm
Any student enrolled in a technology education course can participate in MITES. This is a statewide competition that allows students to display their talents and creativity as it pertains to hands-on skills, craftsmanship, computer-aided design and digital media.
Advisor: Mr. Shafer – kshafer@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: April/May
Robotics Club
Robotics Club designs, builds and programs robots to compete against other schools across the nation. The club is open to any students with a career GPA of 3.0 or better. They also meet on Saturdays from 8:00-4:00 p.m.
Advisor: Mr. Burdette – jburdette@lakeviewspartans.org
Service Organizations & School Pride
Key Club
Key Club is an international student-led service organization. The focus of Key Club is to encourage leadership through service to school, community and the world.
Link Crew
Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success. Applications are filled out each spring for next year Link Crew.
Mrs. Brown – nbrown@lakeviewspartans.org
Ms. Groark – agroak@lakeviewspartans.org
Ms. VanderPloeg – cvanderploeg@lakeviewspartans.org
Mr. Williamsen – nwilliamsen@lakeviwspartans.org
Pep Club
The pep/spirit club is to promote Spartan Pride. Students will be helping with Homecoming, pep assemblies and brainstorming ways to promote Lakeview Spirit.
Special Interests
Bibliophiles Anonymous Book Club
Bibliophiles Anonymous Book Club allows LHS students to come together to share their passion for reading and to get recommendations for books to read for enjoyment.
Advisor: Mrs. VanderWeele – wvanderweele@lakeviewspartans.org
Debate Club
Debate Club will provide a professional way to discuss hard and sometimes uncomfortable topics, by learning to provide evidence supporting your claim.
Advisor: Mr. Matt Schultz – mschultz@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Wednesdays from 2:45-3:15 pm
Soccer Club
Soccer Club is open to ALL students who are interested in soccer to learn about soccer, practice soccer skills and sportsmanship. Meetings will take place indoor and outdoors.
Advisor: Heather Allbee – hallbee@lakeviewspartans.org
Stocks & Investments Club
The mission of this group is to educate people about investing while having fun! The club is open for all students. We will be conducting stock market competitions to see who can grow their portfolio.
Advisory: Mrs. Bost – mbost@lakeviewspartans.org
Meeting Day: Tuesdays from 2:40-3:15 pm