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Phone Numbers
School Office: 269-565-3700
Attendance: 269-565-3709
Student Services: 269-565-3721
Athletics: 269-565-3711
Fax: 269-565-3708

Cody Japinga, Principal
Lindsey Keller, Assistant Principal
Dayna Lang, Assistant Principal
Rob Allison, Dean of Students
Shawn Aimesbury, Athletic Director

Susan Arrowood, Secretary to the Principal
Aimee McClung, Receptionist
Shelby Wolverton, Student Services Secretary
Terri DeRuiter, Attendance Secretary
Lara Van Dis, Athletic Secretary

1 2 3 11 > showing 1 - 10 of 108 constituents

Haley A-bel

Titles: Resilience Coach
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Administration
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3745

Heather Allbee

Titles: School Counselor
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Counseling
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3723

Robert Allison

Titles: Dean of Students, Counselor
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Administration, Counseling
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3722

Maria Alonso

Titles: Food Service Manager
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Food Service
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3700

Matthew Anglin

Titles: Math Teacher - Grades 9-12
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Math
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3815

Susan Arrowood

Titles: Secretary to the Principal
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Secretarial
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3710

Sydney Banfield

Titles: Art Teacher - Grades 9-12
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Art
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3878

Greg Black

Titles: Choir Teacher - Grades 9-12
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Music
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3810

Myra Bost

Titles: Business Teacher - Grades 9-12
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Business
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3864

Morgan Brandt

Titles: Math Teacher - Grades 9-12
Locations: Lakeview High School
Departments: Math
Phone Numbers:
School: 269-565-3816